cf4ocl (C Framework for OpenCL)  v2.1.0
Object-oriented framework for developing and benchmarking OpenCL projects in C/C++
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* This file is part of cf4ocl (C Framework for OpenCL).
* cf4ocl is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* cf4ocl is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with cf4ocl. If not, see <>.
* */
* This is the OpenCL kernel for the cellular automata example ca.c.
/* Number of neighbors of a CA cell. */
#define NUM_NEIGHS 8
/* Alive state. */
#define ALIVE ((uint4) ( 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xFF ))
/* Dead state. */
#define DEAD ((uint4) ( 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF ))
/* Is cell alive? */
#define IS_ALIVE(cell) (cell.x == 0x00)
/* List of neighbors of a CA cell. */
__constant int2 neighbors[] = {
(int2) (-1,-1), (int2) (0,-1), (int2) (1,-1), (int2) (1,0),
(int2) (1,1), (int2) (0,1), (int2) (-1,1), (int2) (-1,0)};
/* GOL rules. */
__constant uint2 live_rule = (uint2) (2, 3);
__constant uint2 dead_rule = (uint2) (3, 3);
/* How to read input image. */
__constant sampler_t sampler =
__kernel void ca(__read_only image2d_t in_img, __write_only image2d_t out_img) {
/* Get image dimensions. */
int2 imdim = get_image_dim(in_img);
/* Get workitem coordinates. */
int2 coord = (int2) (get_global_id(0), get_global_id(1));
/* Only do something if workitem coordinates are within image
* dimensions. */
if (all(coord < imdim)) {
/* State of neighbor. */
uint4 neighs_state;
/* Number of alive neighbors. */
uint neighs_alive = 0;
/* State of current cell. */
uint4 state;
/* Is current cell alive? */
uint alive;
/* New state of current cell, dead by default. */
uint4 new_state = DEAD;
/* Count number of alive neighbors. */
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_NEIGHS; ++i) {
/* Get coordinate of current neighbor, wrap around if
* necessary. */
int2 n = coord + neighbors[i];
n = select(n, n - imdim, n >= imdim);
n = select(n, imdim - 1, n < 0);
/* Get state of current neighbor. */
neighs_state = read_imageui(in_img, sampler, n);
/* If current neighbor is alive, increment number of alive
* neighbors. */
if (IS_ALIVE(neighs_state)) neighs_alive++;
/* Get state of current cell, check if its alive. */
state = read_imageui(in_img, sampler, coord);
alive = IS_ALIVE(state);
/* Check if, according to the CA rules, current cell should be
* alive. */
if ((alive && (neighs_alive >= live_rule.s0)
&& (neighs_alive <= live_rule.s1))
|| (!alive && (neighs_alive >= dead_rule.s0)
&& (neighs_alive <= dead_rule.s1))) {
new_state = (uint4) { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF };
/* Write current cell's new state. */
write_imageui(out_img, coord, new_state);