cf4ocl (C Framework for OpenCL)  v2.1.0
Object-oriented framework for developing and benchmarking OpenCL projects in C/C++
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Function list

List of cf4ocl functions and function-like macros.

Function/macro Description
ccl_arg_full() Defines a kernel argument with more control.
ccl_arg_local() Defines a local kernel argument, which allocates local memory within the kernel with the specified size.
ccl_arg_new() Create a new kernel argument.
ccl_arg_priv() Define a private kernel argument.
ccl_buffer_destroy() Decrements the reference count of the wrapper object.
ccl_buffer_enqueue_copy() Copy from one buffer object to another.
ccl_buffer_enqueue_copy_rect() Copy a 2D or 3D rectangular region from a buffer object to another buffer object.
ccl_buffer_enqueue_copy_to_image() Copy a buffer object to an image object.
ccl_buffer_enqueue_fill() Fill a buffer object with a pattern of a given pattern size.
ccl_buffer_enqueue_map() Map a region of a buffer into the host address space and return a pointer to this mapped region.
ccl_buffer_enqueue_read() Read from a buffer object to host memory.
ccl_buffer_enqueue_read_rect() Read from a 2D or 3D rectangular region from a buffer object to host memory.
ccl_buffer_enqueue_unmap() Enqueues a command to unmap a previously mapped buffer object.
ccl_buffer_enqueue_write() Write to a buffer object from host memory.
ccl_buffer_enqueue_write_rect() Write a 2D or 3D rectangular region to a buffer object from host memory.
ccl_buffer_new() Create a CCLBuffer wrapper object.
ccl_buffer_new_from_region() Creates a sub-buffer that represents a specific region in the given buffer.
ccl_buffer_new_wrap() Get the buffer wrapper for the given OpenCL buffer.
ccl_buffer_ref() Increase the reference count of the buffer wrapper object.
ccl_buffer_unref() Alias to ccl_buffer_destroy().
ccl_buffer_unwrap() Get the OpenCL buffer object.
ccl_common_version_print() Print executable version.
ccl_context_destroy() Decrements the reference count of the context wrapper object.
ccl_context_get_all_devices() Get all device wrappers in context.
ccl_context_get_device() Get CCLDevice wrapper at given index.
ccl_context_get_info() Get a CCLWrapperInfo context information object.
ccl_context_get_info_array() Macro which returns an array context information value.
ccl_context_get_info_scalar() Macro which returns a scalar context information value.
ccl_context_get_num_devices() Return number of devices in context.
ccl_context_get_opencl_version() Get the OpenCL version of the platform associated with this context.
ccl_context_get_platform() Get the platform associated with the context devices.
ccl_context_get_supported_image_formats() Get the list of image formats supported by a given context.
ccl_context_new_accel() Creates a context wrapper for an Accelerator device.
ccl_context_new_any() Creates a context wrapper for the first found device(s).
ccl_context_new_cpu() Creates a context wrapper for a CPU device.
ccl_context_new_from_dep_filter() Creates a context wrapper using one dependent device filter specified in the function parameters.
ccl_context_new_from_device_index() Creates a context wrapper using a device selected by its index.
ccl_context_new_from_devices() Creates a context wrapper given an array of CCLDevice wrappers.
ccl_context_new_from_devices_full() Creates a context wrapper given an array of CCLDevice wrappers and the remaining parameters required by the clCreateContext() function.
ccl_context_new_from_filter() Creates a context wrapper using one device filter specified in the function parameters.
ccl_context_new_from_filters() Create a new context wrapper object selecting devices using the given set of filters.
ccl_context_new_from_filters_full() Create a new context wrapper object selecting devices using the given set of filters.
ccl_context_new_from_indep_filter() Creates a context wrapper using one independent device filter specified in the function parameters.
ccl_context_new_from_menu() Creates a context wrapper from a device selected by the user from a menu.
ccl_context_new_from_menu_full() Creates a context wrapper using a device which the user selects from a menu.
ccl_context_new_gpu() Creates a context wrapper for a GPU device.
ccl_context_new_wrap() Get the context wrapper for the given OpenCL context.
ccl_context_ref() Increase the reference count of the context wrapper object.
ccl_context_unref() Alias to ccl_context_destroy().
ccl_context_unwrap() Get the OpenCL context object.
ccl_device_create_subdevices() Creates a NULL-terminated array of sub-devices that each reference a non-intersecting set of compute units within the given parent device.
ccl_device_destroy() Decrements the reference count of the device wrapper object.
ccl_device_get_info() Get a CCLWrapperInfo device information object.
ccl_device_get_info_array() Macro which returns an array device information value.
ccl_device_get_info_scalar() Macro which returns a scalar device information value.
ccl_device_get_opencl_c_version() Get the OpenCL C version supported by the device.
ccl_device_get_opencl_version() Get the OpenCL version supported by the device.
ccl_device_new_wrap() Get the device wrapper for the given OpenCL device.
ccl_device_ref() Increase the reference count of the device wrapper object.
ccl_device_unref() Alias to ccl_device_destroy().
ccl_device_unwrap() Get the OpenCL device_id object.
ccl_devquery_get_prefix_final() Get a final device info prefix in the same format as kept in the ccl_devquery_info_map.
ccl_devquery_match() Search for a device information parameter by matching part of its name.
ccl_devquery_name() Return a cl_device_info object given its name.
ccl_devquery_prefix() Get a pointer to the first device information parameter which has the given prefix.
ccl_devquery_type2str() Map an OpenCL cl_device_type object to a string identifying the device type.
ccl_devsel_add_dep_filter() Add a dependent filter to the filter set.
ccl_devsel_add_indep_filter() Add an independent filter to the filter set.
ccl_devsel_dep_index() Dependent filter function which selects the device at the specified index, failing if no device is found at that index.
ccl_devsel_dep_menu() Dependent filter function which presents a menu to the user allowing him to select the desired device.
ccl_devsel_dep_platform() Dependent filter function which only accepts devices of the same platform (the platform to which the first device belong to).
ccl_devsel_devices_destroy() Destroy an object containing device wrappers.
ccl_devsel_devices_new() Create and return an object with device wrappers for all OpenCL devices present in the system.
ccl_devsel_get_device_strings() Returns a NULL-terminated array of strings, each one containing the name and vendor of each device in the system.
ccl_devsel_indep_platform() Independent filter function which only accepts devices of a specified platform.
ccl_devsel_indep_string() Independent filter which selects devices based on device name, device vendor and/or platform name.
ccl_devsel_indep_type() Independent filter function which accepts devices of the type given in the data parameter.
ccl_devsel_indep_type_accel() Independent filter function which only accepts accelerator devices.
ccl_devsel_indep_type_cpu() Independent filter function which only accepts CPU devices.
ccl_devsel_indep_type_gpu() Independent filter function which only accepts GPU devices.
ccl_devsel_print_device_strings() Print to stdout a device description string for each device in the system.
ccl_devsel_select() Select one or more OpenCL devices based on the provided filters.
ccl_enqueue_barrier() Enqueues a barrier command on the given command queue.
ccl_enqueue_marker() Enqueues a marker command on the given command queue.
ccl_err() Convert OpenCL error code to a readable string.
ccl_err_clear() Releases a CCLErr object and set is to NULL.
ccl_error_quark() Resolves to error category identifying string, in this case an error in cf4ocl.
ccl_event_destroy() Decrements the reference count of the event wrapper object.
ccl_event_get_command_type() Get the command type which fired the given event.
ccl_event_get_final_name() Get the final event name for profiling purposes.
ccl_event_get_info() Get a CCLWrapperInfo event information object.
ccl_event_get_info_array() Macro which returns an array event information value.
ccl_event_get_info_scalar() Macro which returns a scalar event information value.
ccl_event_get_name() Get the event name for profiling purposes.
ccl_event_get_opencl_version() Get the OpenCL version of the platform associated with this event object.
ccl_event_get_profiling_info() Get a CCLWrapperInfo event profiling information object.
ccl_event_get_profiling_info_array() Macro which returns an array event profiling information value.
ccl_event_get_profiling_info_scalar() Macro which returns a scalar event profiling information value.
ccl_event_new_wrap() Get the event wrapper for the given OpenCL event.
ccl_event_ref() Increase the reference count of the event object.
ccl_event_set_callback() Wrapper for OpenCL clSetEventCallback() function.
ccl_event_set_name() Set event name for profiling purposes.
ccl_event_unref() Alias to ccl_event_destroy().
ccl_event_unwrap() Get the OpenCL event object.
ccl_event_wait() Waits on the host thread for commands identified by events in the wait list to complete.
ccl_event_wait_list_add() Add event wrapper objects to an event wait list (variable argument list version).
ccl_event_wait_list_add_v() Add event wrapper objects to an event wait list (array version).
ccl_event_wait_list_clear() Clears an event wait list.
ccl_ewl() Alias the for the ccl_event_wait_list_add() function.
ccl_image_destroy() Decrements the reference count of the wrapper object.
ccl_image_enqueue_copy() Copy image objects.
ccl_image_enqueue_copy_to_buffer() Copy an image object to a buffer object.
ccl_image_enqueue_fill() Fill an image object with a specified color.
ccl_image_enqueue_map() Map a region of the image into the host address space and return a pointer to this mapped region.
ccl_image_enqueue_read() Read from an image or image array object to host memory.
ccl_image_enqueue_unmap() Enqueues a command to unmap a previously mapped image object.
ccl_image_enqueue_write() Write to an image or image array object from host memory.
ccl_image_get_info() Get a CCLWrapperInfo image information object.
ccl_image_get_info_array() Macro which returns an array image information value.
ccl_image_get_info_scalar() Macro which returns a scalar image information value.
ccl_image_new() Creates a new image wrapper object using a variable list of key-value pairs which describe the image.
ccl_image_new_v() Creates a new image wrapper object.
ccl_image_new_wrap() Get the image wrapper for the given OpenCL image.
ccl_image_ref() Increase the reference count of the image wrapper object.
ccl_image_unref() Alias to ccl_image_destroy().
ccl_image_unwrap() Get the OpenCL image memory object.
ccl_kernel_destroy() Decrements the reference count of the kernel wrapper object.
ccl_kernel_enqueue_native() Enqueues a command to execute a native C/C++ function not compiled using the OpenCL compiler.
ccl_kernel_enqueue_ndrange() Enqueues a kernel for execution on a device.
ccl_kernel_get_arg_info() Get a CCLWrapperInfo kernel argument information object.
ccl_kernel_get_arg_info_array() Macro which returns an array kernel argument information value.
ccl_kernel_get_arg_info_scalar() Macro which returns a scalar kernel argument information value.
ccl_kernel_get_info() Get a CCLWrapperInfo kernel information object.
ccl_kernel_get_info_array() Macro which returns an array kernel information value.
ccl_kernel_get_info_scalar() Macro which returns a scalar kernel information value.
ccl_kernel_get_opencl_version() Get the OpenCL version of the platform associated with this kernel.
ccl_kernel_get_workgroup_info() Get a CCLWrapperInfo kernel workgroup information object.
ccl_kernel_get_workgroup_info_array() Macro which returns an array kernel workgroup information value.
ccl_kernel_get_workgroup_info_scalar() Macro which returns a scalar kernel workgroup information value.
ccl_kernel_new() Create a new kernel wrapper object.
ccl_kernel_new_wrap() Get the kernel wrapper for the given OpenCL kernel.
ccl_kernel_ref() Increase the reference count of the kernel object.
ccl_kernel_set_arg() Set one kernel argument.
ccl_kernel_set_args() Set all kernel arguments.
ccl_kernel_set_args_and_enqueue_ndrange() Set kernel arguments and enqueue it for execution on a device.
ccl_kernel_set_args_and_enqueue_ndrange_v() Set kernel arguments and enqueue it for execution on a device.
ccl_kernel_set_args_v() Set all kernel arguments.
ccl_kernel_suggest_worksizes() Suggest appropriate local (and optionally global) work sizes for the given real work size, based on device and kernel characteristics.
ccl_kernel_unref() Alias to ccl_kernel_destroy().
ccl_kernel_unwrap() Get the OpenCL kernel object.
ccl_memobj_enqueue_migrate() Enqueues a command to indicate which device a set of memory objects should be associated with.
ccl_memobj_enqueue_unmap() Enqueues a command to unmap a previously mapped region of a memory object.
ccl_memobj_get_info() Get a CCLWrapperInfo memory object information object.
ccl_memobj_get_info_array() Macro which returns an array memory object information value.
ccl_memobj_get_info_scalar() Macro which returns a scalar memory object information value.
ccl_memobj_get_opencl_version() Get the OpenCL version of the platform associated with this memory object.
ccl_memobj_ref() Increase the reference count of the cl_mem wrapper object.
ccl_memobj_set_destructor_callback() Wrapper for OpenCL clSetMemObjectDestructorCallback() function.
ccl_memobj_unwrap() Get the OpenCL cl_mem object.
ccl_ocl_error_quark() Resolves to error category identifying string, in this case an error in the OpenCL library.
ccl_platform_destroy() Decrements the reference count of the platform wrapper object.
ccl_platform_get_all_devices() Get all device wrappers in platform.
ccl_platform_get_device() Get CCLDevice wrapper at given index.
ccl_platform_get_info() Get a CCLWrapperInfo platform information object.
ccl_platform_get_info_array() Macro which returns an array platform information value.
ccl_platform_get_info_scalar() Macro which returns a scalar platform information value.
ccl_platform_get_info_string() Helper macro which gets a platform information string.
ccl_platform_get_num_devices() Return number of devices in platform.
ccl_platform_get_opencl_version() Get the OpenCL version of this platform.
ccl_platform_new_from_device() Get the platform wrapper for the given device wrapper.
ccl_platform_new_wrap() Get the platform wrapper for the given OpenCL platform.
ccl_platform_ref() Increase the reference count of the platform wrapper object.
ccl_platform_unref() Alias to ccl_platform_destroy().
ccl_platform_unwrap() Get the OpenCL platform object.
ccl_platforms_count() Return number of OpenCL platforms found in CCLPlatforms object.
ccl_platforms_destroy() Destroy a CCLPlatforms* object, including all underlying platforms, devices and data.
ccl_platforms_get() Get platform wrapper object at given index.
ccl_platforms_new() Creates a new CCLPlatforms* object, which contains the list of OpenCL platforms available in the system.
ccl_prof_add_queue() Add a command queue wrapper for profiling.
ccl_prof_calc() Determine aggregate statistics for the given profile object.
ccl_prof_destroy() Destroy a profile object.
ccl_prof_export_info() Export event profiling information to a given stream.
ccl_prof_export_info_file() Helper function which exports profiling info to a given file, automatically opening and closing the file.
ccl_prof_get_agg() Return aggregate statistics for events with the given name.
ccl_prof_get_duration() Get duration of all events in nanoseconds.
ccl_prof_get_eff_duration() Get effective duration of all events in nanoseconds, i.e.
ccl_prof_get_export_opts() Get current export options.
ccl_prof_get_summary() Get a summary with the profiling info.
ccl_prof_iter_agg_init() Initialize an iterator for profiled aggregate event instances.
ccl_prof_iter_agg_next() Return the next aggregate statistic instance.
ccl_prof_iter_info_init() Initialize an iterator for event profiling info instances.
ccl_prof_iter_info_next() Return the next event profiling info instance.
ccl_prof_iter_inst_init() Initialize an iterator for event instant instances.
ccl_prof_iter_inst_next() Return the next event instant instance.
ccl_prof_iter_overlap_init() Initialize an iterator for overlap instances.
ccl_prof_iter_overlap_next() Return the next overlap instance.
ccl_prof_new() Create a new profile object.
ccl_prof_print_summary() Print a summary of the profiling info.
ccl_prof_set_export_opts() Set export options using a CCLProfExportOptions struct.
ccl_prof_start() Starts the global profiler timer.
ccl_prof_stop() Stops the global profiler timer.
ccl_prof_time_elapsed() If profiling has started but not stopped, returns the time since the profiling started.
ccl_program_build() Utility function which builds (compiles and links) a program executable from the program source or binary.
ccl_program_build_full() Builds (compiles and links) a program executable from the program source or binary.
ccl_program_compile() Compile a program's source code.
ccl_program_destroy() Decrements the reference count of the program wrapper object.
ccl_program_enqueue_kernel() Enqueues a program kernel function for execution on a device.
ccl_program_enqueue_kernel_v() Enqueues a program kernel function for execution on a device.
ccl_program_get_all_devices() Get all device wrappers in program.
ccl_program_get_binary() Get the program binary object for the specified device.
ccl_program_get_build_info() Get a CCLWrapperInfo program build information object.
ccl_program_get_build_info_array() Macro which returns an array program build information value.
ccl_program_get_build_info_scalar() Macro which returns a scalar program build information value.
ccl_program_get_build_log() Get a general build log of most recent build, compile or link, for all devices.
ccl_program_get_device() Get CCLDevice wrapper at given index.
ccl_program_get_device_build_log() Get build log for most recent build, compile or link for the specified device.
ccl_program_get_info() Get a CCLWrapperInfo program information object.
ccl_program_get_info_array() Macro which returns an array program information value.
ccl_program_get_info_scalar() Macro which returns a scalar program information value.
ccl_program_get_kernel() Get the kernel wrapper object for the given program kernel function.
ccl_program_get_num_devices() Return number of devices in program.
ccl_program_get_opencl_version() Get the OpenCL version of the platform associated with this program.
ccl_program_link() Link a set of compiled programs and create an executable program wrapper.
ccl_program_new_from_binaries() Create a new program wrapper object from a list of binary code strings executable on the given device list, one binary string per device.
ccl_program_new_from_binary() Create a new program wrapper object from binary code executable on a specific device.
ccl_program_new_from_binary_file() Create a new program wrapper object from a file containing binary code executable on a specific device.
ccl_program_new_from_binary_files() Create a new program wrapper object from files containing binary code executable on the given device list, one file per device.
ccl_program_new_from_built_in_kernels() Create a new program wrapper object from device built-in kernels.
ccl_program_new_from_source() Create a new program wrapper object from a null-terminated source string.
ccl_program_new_from_source_file() Create a new program wrapper object from a source file.
ccl_program_new_from_source_files() Create a new program wrapper object from several source files.
ccl_program_new_from_sources() Create a new program wrapper object from several source code strings.
ccl_program_new_wrap() Get the program wrapper for the given OpenCL program.
ccl_program_ref() Increase the reference count of the program object.
ccl_program_save_all_binaries() Save the program binaries for all associated devices to files, one file per device.
ccl_program_save_binary() Save the program binary code for a specified device to a file.
ccl_program_unref() Alias to ccl_program_destroy().
ccl_program_unwrap() Get the OpenCL program object.
ccl_queue_destroy() Decrements the reference count of the command queue wrapper object.
ccl_queue_finish() Blocks until all previously queued OpenCL commands in a command-queue are issued to the associated device and have completed.
ccl_queue_flush() Issues all previously queued commands in a command queue to the associated device.
ccl_queue_gc() Release all events associated with the command queue.
ccl_queue_get_context() Get the context associated with the given command queue wrapper object.
ccl_queue_get_device() Get the device associated with the given command queue wrapper object.
ccl_queue_get_info() Get a CCLWrapperInfo command queue information object.
ccl_queue_get_info_array() Macro which returns an array command queue information value.
ccl_queue_get_info_scalar() Macro which returns a scalar command queue information value.
ccl_queue_new() Create a new command queue wrapper object.
ccl_queue_new_full() Create a new command queue wrapper object.
ccl_queue_new_wrap() Get the command queue wrapper for the given OpenCL command queue.
ccl_queue_ref() Increase the reference count of the command queue object.
ccl_queue_unref() Alias to ccl_queue_destroy().
ccl_queue_unwrap() Get the OpenCL command queue object.
ccl_sampler_destroy() Decrements the reference count of the wrapper object.
ccl_sampler_get_info() Get a CCLWrapperInfo sampler information object.
ccl_sampler_get_info_array() Macro which returns an array sampler information value.
ccl_sampler_get_info_scalar() Macro which returns a scalar sampler information value.
ccl_sampler_new() Create a new sampler wrapper object by specifying a basic set of sampler properties.
ccl_sampler_new_full() Create a new sampler wrapper object using a list of properties.
ccl_sampler_new_wrap() Get the sampler wrapper for the given OpenCL sampler.
ccl_sampler_ref() Increase the reference count of the sampler wrapper object.
ccl_sampler_unref() Alias to ccl_sampler_destroy().
ccl_sampler_unwrap() Get the OpenCL sampler object.
ccl_strv_clear() Frees a NULL-terminated array of strings, as well as each string it contains.
ccl_user_event_new() Create a new user event.
ccl_user_event_set_status() Sets the execution status of a user event object.
ccl_wrapper_get_class_name() Get wrapper class or type name.
ccl_wrapper_get_info() Get information about any wrapped OpenCL object.
ccl_wrapper_get_info_size() Get information size.
ccl_wrapper_get_info_value() Get pointer to information value.
ccl_wrapper_memcheck() Debug function which checks if memory allocated by wrappers has been properly freed.
ccl_wrapper_ref() Increase the reference count of the wrapper object.
ccl_wrapper_ref_count() Returns the wrapper object reference count.
ccl_wrapper_unwrap() Get the wrapped OpenCL object.